Fl-2019 il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol kellu proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika ma’ studenti, edukaturi u ġenituri / kustodji legali dwar il-fehmiet tagħhom fuq l-uniformi tal-iskola. Kien hemm ix-xewqa li l-uniformi tkun aktar komda. 85% tal-istudenti tal-primarja, 91% tal-istudenti fl-iskejjel medji u sekondarji flimbien ma’ 73% tal-ġenituri u edukaturi, kienu favur li jkollhom uniformi aktar komda li tinkludi tracksuit komda, poloshirt, t-shirt, shorts, beritta u ġakketta għax-Xitwa, minbarra l-blazer, qmis, qliezet qosra, qliezet twal, jersey u ingravata.
Wara l-proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni pubblika, il-Ministeru ddeċieda li jimxi fuq l-għażla tal-maġġoranza u mis-sena skolastika li jmiss l-uniformi l-ġdida se tkun introdotta fil-Kinder 1, is-Sena 1, is-Sena 7 u s-Sena 9.
L-uniformi l-ġdida tibda tiġi ntrodotta sena wara l-oħra. Id-dettalji huma annessi hawn taħt.
New School Uniform
In 2019 the Ministry for Education and Employment held a public consultation process with students, educators and parents/legal guardians on their views about the school uniform. There was a very clear plea for a uniform that is comfortable. 85% of primary students, 91% of middle and secondary students and 73% of parents and eductaors were in favour of having a comfortable tracksuit, poloshirt, t-shirt, shorts, cap and jacket for Winter, excluding the blazer, shirt, short trousers, long trousers, skirt, jersey and tie/cravats.
After the public consultation process, the Ministry has decided to uphold the choice of the majority and as from next scholastic year the new uniform will be introduced in Kinder 1, Year 1, Year 7 and Year 9.
The new uniform will be introduced yearly. Details are attached underneath.