Il-Piż u l-Ġarr tal-Basktijiet tal-Iskola
Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol ħareġ linji gwida rigward il-Piż u l-Ġarr tal-Basktijiet tal-Iskola.
Hemm 3 dokumenti li qed jindirizzaw lill-iskejjel, il-ġenituri u l-istudenti, immirati sabiex jitnnaqqas, kemm jista’ jkun, it-toqol tal-basktijiet. Dawn il-linji gwida jinsabu mehmuża hawn taħt.
The Weight and Carriage of School Bags
The Ministry for Education and Employment has issued guidelines regarding the Weight and Carriage of School Bags.
There are 3 documents that are addressing schools, parents and students, aimed at reducing, as much as possible, the weight of the bags. These guidelines can be found underneath.
MEE SchoolBag Guidelines – MLT Students FORPRESS
MEE SchoolBag Guidelines – ENG Students FORPRESS
MEE SchoolBag Guidelines – MLT Schools FORPRESS
MEE SchoolBag Guidelines – ENG Schools FORPRESS