
Reviżjoni tas-sillabi tas-SEC

Il-Bord tal-MATSEC ħareġ lista ta’ tibdiliet fis-sillabi tas-SEC 2022 u SEC 2023 li jirriflettu proċeduri tal-operat tal-iskejjel differenti minħabba l-pandemija. Il-lista bil-bidliet tista’ tiġi aċċessata permezz tal-holqa Aktar dettalji jistgħu jinstabu fis-sillabi tas-suġġett rispettiv.


The MATSEC Examinations Board has issued a list with changes in the SEC 2022 and SEC 2023 syllabi to reflect  the different operating procedures in schools because of the pandemic. The list with changes can be accessed through More details can be found in the respective subject syllabi.