EducationIdeasMEYRSchool Initiative

Student Educational Visit to Turin, Italy

From the 5th till the 10th of February, and as part of Erasmus+ Project ARTse (Augmented Reality Toolkit for Sustainable Education), a group of 10 students from Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School has been on a five-day student mobility experience. During this week, students worked with Finnish and Italian students on several activities related to Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG7 and SDG11. All students had the opportunity to experience lessons which used AR (Augmented Reality) as the main learning tool. Students were also tasked with testing the bespoke app and to provide feedback. The latter will in turn be utilized to finetune features with the aim of enhancing the immersive learning experience.

Moreover, students participated in a hands-on workshop at the Museo A come Ambiente (MAcA). Here, they were actively involved with various activities linked to the topic of energy and its sustainability. Experiments were carried out by the guides and students themselves, wherein the students were asked questions and asked to form a hypothesis.

During the week, the group also had cultural visits, which included a walk in the Riserva Naturale Ponte del Diavolo in Lanzo, a walking tour around Torino’s main places of interest and a visit to Villa Panza in Varese.

This was the last of three mobilities involving students from Malta, Finland and Italy and which presented augmented reality as a learning tool. Students’ active participation has been instrumental in improving the AR experience in relation to the principles and values set forth by Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG3, SDG6, SDG9 and SDG12.

This ARTse project has been a three-year collaboration between Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Istituto Superiore Tommaso D’Oria in Turin, Italy,  Harjunrinteen koulu in Riihimaaki, Finland, MACDAC Engineering Consultancy Bureau Ltd, Malta and Diversitas IT, Croatia who have been responsible for creating a bespoke app using Augmented Reality. This project was funded and supported by the European Union Programmes Agency in Malta under the auspices of Erasmus+.