
Jiftħu l-Applikazzjonijiet għall-Breakfast Club

L-applikazzjoni onlajn għar-reġistrazzjoni tal-istudenti biex jagħmlu użu mis-Servizz tal-Breakfast Club mogħti  fl-Iskejjel Primarji tal-Istat kollha matul is-sena skolastika hija miftuħa.

Dan is-servizz jagħti l-opportunità lill-istudenti biex jiehdu  kolazzjon bnin qabel jibdew l-iskola kif ukoll jintegraw ma ‘studenti oħra permezz tal-logħob u attivitajiet oħra.

Is-Servizz tal- Breakfast Club  huwa miftuħ għall-istudenti Primarji li l-ġenituri/kustodji legali tagħhom huma it-tnejn  impjegati u allura ma jistgħux jagħmlu użu mit-Trasport b’xejn għall-iskejjel.

Link għall-websajt


The online application for the registration of students to make use of the Breakfast Club Service delivered in all Primary State Schools during the scholastic year is now open.

This service gives the opportunity to students to have a heathy breakfast before school commences as well as interact with other students through play and other activities.

The Breakfast Club Service is open for Primary Students whose parents/legal guardians are both in employment and cannot make use of the free transport service.

Link for website