Around 3,000 MCAST and ITS students who will be graduating this year will be able to receive their official certificates on an open-sourced blockchain app, Blockcerts.
By notarising certificates on Blockcerts, the documents are immediately rendered more secure and the process more transparent, allowing for potential employers and educational institutions to verify the certificates instantly. It also means that the need for a central controlling authority, with the bureaucracy this brings with it, is removed from the equation. Students who may need their certificates years from now will be able to access the documents, in digital format, and share them with third parties without the need to contact the issuing institution and secure permission. The learner’s certificates are stored permanently and securely on the blockchain, for life.
400 local students who have recently graduated from their institutions are among the first local students to make use of this ground-breaking technology. The implementation of this initiative makes Malta the first country to introduce blockchain certificates on a national level.
This video explains how learners may now digitally receive and share their records which are securely verified on the blockchain.
How it works: