Għallem u uri prattiċi tajbin ta’ igjene.
Dejjem segwi s-saħħa tat-tfal tiegħek.
Ħeġġeġ lil uliedek jistaqsu mistoqsijiet u jesprimu s-sentimenti tagħhom mal-għalliema tagħom.
Ibqa’ infurmat dwar l-imxija u l-miżuri li rridu nosservaw fl-interess tas-saħħa ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minnha.
Żomm kuntatt mill-qrib mal-iskola.
Kull filgħodu ara lit-tfal m’għandhomx sintomi u anqas deni. Filkaż li jkollhom tibgħathomx skola.
Fkaż li jċemplulek mill-iskola biex tiġbor it-tfal, important ħafna li tagħmel dan minnufih.
Għin lil uliedek billi żżomm stil ta’ ħajja b’saħħtu.
Ħu ħsieb il-benesseri fiżiku u mentali tiegħek u toqgħodx lura mill titlob l-għajnuna.
Importanti: l-ilbies tal-maskra minn 3 snin ‘l fuq huwa obbligatorju.
Guidelines for Parents
Parents have an important role in keeping their children healthy and safe at school.
Teach and model good hygiene practices for your child.
Keep monitoring your child’s health.
Encourage your child to as questions and express her/his feelings with adults.
Stay informed about the outbreak.
Maintain close contact with the school. Actively support safety efforts.
Every morning see that your children have no symptoms or fever. In case they have do not send them to school.
In case they call you from school to collect your children, it is very important to do so immediately.
Help your child maintain a healthy lifestyle with a routine, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Take care of your own physical and mental wellbeing and don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
It is important that children from 3 years upwards wear a mask