Matul ix-xhur ta’ Ottubru u Novembru, iċċelebrajna Pink October u Movember. L-għan prinċipali tagħna hu li nkomplu nqajmu għarfien relatat mas-saħħa u l-kura tal-kanċer. Aħna ninkoraġġixxu lil kulħadd sabiex jaddotta stil ta’ ħajja tajba speċjalment f’dan iż-żmien. Stay safe, stay healthy mingħand l-istudenti u l-istaff tal-Fortini Learning Support Centre!
During the months of October and November, we celebrated Pink October and Movember. Our goal is to raise more awareness related to health issues, such as prostate and breast cancer. We encourage everyone to get involved and to adopt a healthier lifestyle especially during this unusual time of year. Stay safe, stay healthy from the students and staff at Fortini Learning Support Centre!