The consultation document A Bilingual Glossary of Mathematics Terms (Glossarju Bilingwi ta’ Termini tal-Matematika) which was published by the National Literacy Agency within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, provides words and expressions that can be used as part of bilingual communication of Mathematics at the Early and Junior Years of education (ages 3 – 11 years). The resource has been developed keeping in mind already existing classroom practices and provides a bank of words and expressions in English and Maltese.
The glossary was compiled by Prof. Marie Therese Farrugia (Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malta), Mr David Muscat and Dr Lara Ann Vella (National Literacy Agency) and Ms Melanie Casha Sammut (Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes, MEYR). The document can be accessed here:
The consultation process has been extended to the 18th of November 2022. Feedback can be sent using this form: