On Tuesday 24th October 2023, Euroguidance Malta organised the sixth Stakeholders’ Forum. Representatives from the Education and Employment sectors discussed this year’s chosen theme, ‘Quality Career Guidance Experiences for Students’. An international speaker, Dr Deirdre Hughes, Associate Professor, Warwick University – Institute of Employment Research (IER) & Director, DMH & Associates Ltd., was the keynote speaker. Table discussions among stakeholders followed, whereby ways as to how the collaboration between Education and Employment stakeholders can be strengthened were discussed. Dr Deirdre Hughes gives importance to technology such as AI, being another ideal tool for career exploration support for all stakeholders.
Nhar it-Tlieta 24 t’Ottubru, 2023, Euroguidance Malta organizzat is-sitt Stakeholders’ Forum fejn rappreżentanti mill-industrija kif ukoll mill-qasam edukattiv iltaqgħu flimkien biex jiddiskutu t-tema magħżula għal din is-sena, ‘Esperjenzi ta’ Gwida għall-Karriera għall-Istudenti ta’ Kwalità’. Il-Professur Deirdre Hughes mill-Università ta’ Warwick – l-Istitut ta’ Riċerka fuq id-Dinja tax-Xogħol, kif ukoll direttur ta’ DMH & Assosciated Ltd, kienet il-kelliema ewlenija ta’ din l-attività. L-attività tkompliet billi kien hemm ukoll diskussjonijiet dwar kif l-istakeholders preżenti jistgħu jaħdmu iktar mill-qrib sabiex tissaħħaħ il-kollaborazzjoni eżistenti bejn iż-żewġ setturi tal-Edukazzjoni u tal-Impjiegi/Industrija. Dr Deirdre Hughes tagħti importanza lit-teknoloġija tal-AI, bħala għodda oħra li hija ideali għal sapport biex tesplora l-karrieri għall-partijiet interessati.
For more info on this event, kindly visit: https://euroguidance.gov.mt/the-employer-education-stakeholders-forum-2023/