EducationNational Literacy Agency

Il-Festival tal-Kitba għall-Brillantini tal-Kitba mill-iskejjel medji

Nhar is-Sibt, 2 ta’ Diċembru 2023 mid-9:00 ta’ filgħodu sal-5:00 ta’ waranofsinhar, l-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu, fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni, l-Isport, iż-Żgħażagħ, ir-Riċerka u l-Innovazzjoni, bi sħab ma’ Heritage Malta, organizzat it-tielet edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-Kitba għall-Brillantini tal-Kitba tal-iskejjel medji fil-Mużew Marittimu, il-Birgu.

F’dan il-festival, 48 tifla u tifla mill-iskejjel medji tal-istat, tal-Knisja u Indipendenti, iltaqgħu ma’ 13-il kittieb, fi kliem ieħor: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha, Ivan De Battista, John A. Bonello, Mark Joseph Zammit, Natalie Portelli, Natasha Turner, Rita Saliba, Ruth Frendo, Trevor Żahra, Sandra Hili Vassallo, Sarah Ann Juckes u Saviour Pirotta. Il-kittieba għenu lill-istudenti kittieba tat-tmien sena (Year 8/Form 2) isaħħu l-ħiliet tagħhom tal-kitba billi involvewhom f’attivitajiet divertenti u kreattivi. Fil-festival taw sehemhom ukoll għadd ta’ kapijiet tad-dipartiment tal-litteriżmu li jaħdmu fil-kulleġġi.

The Writing Festival for Writing Stars of Middle Schools

On Saturday, 2nd December 2023 from 09:00 to 17:00, the National Literacy Agency, within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, in collaboration with Heritage Malta, organised the third edition of the Writing Festival for Writing Stars of middle schools at the Maritime Museum in Vittoriosa.

During this festival, 48 students attending middle schools (State, Church and Independent), met 13 renowned writers: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha, Ivan De Battista, John A. Bonello, Mark Joseph Zammit, Natalie Portelli, Natasha Turner, Rita Saliba, Ruth Frendo, Trevor Żahra, Sandra Hili Vassallo, Sarah Ann Juckes and Saviour Pirotta. The authors supported these Year 8/Form 2 student-authors to develop their writing skills by involving them in fun and creative activities.




The Writing Festival for Writing Stars of Middle Schools

On Saturday, 2nd December 2023 from 09:00 to 17:00, the National Literacy Agency, within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, in collaboration with Heritage Malta, organised the third edition of the Writing Festival for Writing Stars of middle schools at the Maritime Museum in Vittoriosa.

During this festival, 48 students attending middle schools (State, Church and Independent), met 13 renowned writers: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha, Ivan De Battista, John A. Bonello, Mark Joseph Zammit, Natalie Portelli, Natasha Turner, Rita Saliba, Ruth Frendo, Trevor Żahra, Sandra Hili Vassallo, Sarah Ann Juckes and Saviour Pirotta. The authors supported these Year 8/Form 2 student-authors to develop their writing skills by involving them in fun and creative activities.

ring this festival, 48 students attending middle schools (State, Church and Independent), met 13 renowned writers: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha, Ivan De Battista, John A. Bonello, Mark Joseph Zammit, Natalie Portelli, Natasha Turner, Rita Saliba, Ruth Frendo, Trevor Żahra, Sandra Hili Vassallo, Sarah Ann Juckes and Saviour Pirotta. The authors supported these Year 8/Form 2 student-authors to develop their writing skills by involving them in fun and creative activities.



stival, 48 students attending middle schools (State, Church and Independent), met 13 renowned writers: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha, Ivan De Battista, John A. Bonello, Mark Joseph Zammit, Natalie Portelli, Natasha Turner, Rita Saliba, Ruth Frendo, Trevor Żahra, Sandra Hili Vassallo, Sarah Ann Juckes and Saviour Pirotta. The authors supported these Year 8/Form 2 student-authors to develop their writing skills by involving them in fun and creative activities.