EducationLifelong LearningMEYR

Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2024-2025 + New Courses

The Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Employability (DLE)  is pleased to share with you the new Lifelong Learning Prospectus for 2024/ 2025.

We are delighted to introduce new courses designed for the needs of workers employed on shift basis. For the first time, two new courses:

  1. English as a Foreign Language Flexible MQF1 and
  2. Maltese as a Foreign Language Flexible MQF 1* The courses English as a Foreign Language and Maltese as a Foreign Language MQF1 referred to as ‘Flexible for Shift Workers’ are online courses for those who work on shift basis. Learners are to attend at least 40% of the live lessons and at least another 40% of the recorded lessons. Learners are expected to submit the tasks assigned by the educator at the end of every lesson for both live and recorded lessons. Learners who apply for this course need to present a letter from their employer confirming work conditions.Please find the prospectus here: Feel free to disseminate.



    Bi pjaċir ninfurmawkom li ġie mniedi l-prospett tat-Tagħlim tul-il Ħajja għas-sena 2024 / 2025.  Għal din is-sena ta’ tagħlim DLE, fil-Ministeru se joffri numru ta’ korsijiet ġodda li tnejn minnhom huma speċifikament immirati għal ħaddiema li jaħdmu bix-xift u li jistgħu jkunu interessati li jitgħallmu l-Ingliż bħala Lingwa Barranija u l-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija MQF1. Il-format ta’ dawn il-korsijiet huwa kif ġej:


    * Il-korsijiet tal-Ingliż bħala Lingwa Barranija u tal-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija MQF1, indikati bħala ‘Flexible for Shift Workers’ huma korsijiet onlajn għal dawk li jaħdmu fuq bażi ta’ xift. Studenti li japplikaw għal dawn il-korsijiet għandhom jattendu tal-inqas 40% tal-lezzjonijiet b’mod dirett u tal-inqas isegwu 40% tal-lezzjonijiet irrekordjati. L-istudenti mistennija jippreżentaw ix-xogħol mogħti mill-edukaturi tagħhom kemm għal-lezzjonijiet b’mod dirett kif ukoll għal-lezzjonijiet irrekordjati. Studenti li japplikaw għal dawn il-korsijiet iridu jippreżentaw ittra mingħand l-imgħallem fejn jiġu kkonfermati l-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol.

    Bħal dejjem, ħerqanin biex nitkellmu magħkom u naħdmu flimkien.



DLE-Prospectus-Digital Version

These are available for shift workers. These are online courses where learners are expected to attend at least 40% of Live sessions and another 40% of recorded sessions. Learners are expected to submit the tasks assigned by the educator at the end of every lesson for both live and recorded lessons. Learners applying for this course need to present a letter from their employer confirming shift conditions.