Il-Microsoft Teams qiegħed jintuża dejjem iktar għal skopijiet edukattivi mill-iskejjel.

Għaldaqstant id-Direttorat tal-Litteriżmu Diġitali u l-Ħiliet Transversali jistiednek tattendi għal taħriġ ta’ madwar siegħa u nofs dwar il-Microsoft Teams. Is-sessjonijiet se jsiru onlajn bejn it-Tnejn, 7 ta’ Settembru u l-Ġimgħa, 25 ta’ Settembru 2020. Hemm sessjonijiet speċifiċi għall-mexxejja tal-iskejjel, għall-edukaturi, ġenituri u studenti. It-taħriġ se jkun addattat kemm għas-Snin Bikrin u Primarja, kif ukoll għas-snin Medji u Sekondarji. Il-ġenituri u l-istudenti jistgħu jagħżlu li jattendu s-sessjoni bil-Malti jew bl-Inġliż.

It-taħriġ jinkludi modi differenti kif tuża l-MS TEAMS b’rabta mat-tagħlim. Il-parteċipanti jingħataw iċ-ċans ukoll biex jistaqsu l-mistoqsijiet tagħhom u jingħataw it-tagħrif meħtieġ.

Ara l-lista’ ta’ taħriġ u applika fuq


Microsoft Teams is increasingly being used by schools. for educational purposes.

Thus the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills invites you to attend a training session of around one and a half hours about Microsoft Teams. The sessions will be delivered online between Monday 7th September 2020 and Friday 25th September 2020. There are specific sessions for school leaders, educators, parents and students. Some training sessions will focus on the Early and Primary Years, while others for the Middle and Secondary years. Parents and students may choose to attend the session either in Maltese or English.

The aim of the training is to learn about different ways of using MS TEAMS for teaching and learning. Participants will also have the chance to ask their questions and get the necessary knowledge.

Please find the schedule and apply on