Inkomplu nappellaw għall-kooperazzjoni ta’ kulħadd: ġenituri, studenti u edukaturi biex josservaw il-miżuri kollha li ttieħdu. B’dan il-mod it-tagħlim tat-tfal, li għall-edukaturi tagħna jiġi l-ewwel u qabel kollox, ikompli għaddej bl-aħjar mod possibbli. Mill-ġdid nirringrazzjaw lil kulħadd għall-ħidma mwettqa tul dawn l-aħħar xhur.
It is important to keep children safe and we urge the cooperation of everyone: parents, students and educators to stay informed about all the measures in place to make sure that the education of our children continues in the best possible way. Again we thank everyone for the work done over the last few months.