Reġa wasal l-istaġun tal-festi. Din is-sena hija differenti ħafna minħabba l-Pandemija. Irridu nilbsu l-maskra fuq wiċċna, inżommu d-distanza, u lanqas nitgħannqu. Ikollna nibqgħu wkoll ‘l bogħod mill-maħbubin tagħna speċjalment min-nanniet u l-anzjani tagħna.
F’Malta għandna 27,066 persuna li jgħixu waħedhom. Li tkun tgħix waħdek dejjem kienet problema. Il-pandemija, iżda għamlet din is-sitwazzjoni li tgħix waħdek aktar diffiċli. F’dan l-istaġun ta’ festi ser ikun hemm nanniet u anzjani li mhux ser ikollhom il-familja jew nies li jħobbuhom biex jiċċelebraw magħhom. Il-Fondazzjoni ta’ Malta għall-Ġid tas-Soċjetà flimkien mal-Prof Alexei Dingli u t-tim tiegħu, magħmul mis-Sur Stephen Bezzina u s-Sinjura Marvic Sciberras u Nanniet Malta, ħarġu b’idea li permezz tagħha jferrħu lil-anzjani matul dan l-istaġun ta’ festi.
Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni kif ukoll il-Caritas Djakonija Unit huma l-kollaboraturi ewlenin.
Intom it-tfal tistgħu tgħinu! Kif?
Huwa sempliċi ħafna. Kull ma tridu tagħmlu hu li tiktbu jew tpinġu messaġġ indirizzat lin-Nanniet u l-anzjani li jgħixu kompletament waħedhom u ttellgħu l-messaġġi
tagħkom fuq Imbagħad aħna, ser nistampaw il-messaġġi tagħkom, npoġġuhom f’envelop u nwassluhom lin-nanniet u lill-anzjani li jgħixu kompletament waħedhom għall-istaġun tal-festi.
Aħna nistennew bil-ħerqa li nirċievu il-messaġġi tagħkom bejn it-2 ta’ Diċembru u t-13 ta’ Diċembru. Ninsabu eċitati biex nirċievu ħafna messaġġi mingħandkom it-tfal sabiex flimkien
inkunu nistgħu nferrħu lin-nanniet u lill-anzjani tagħna li jgħixu kompletament waħedhom.
It is the Festive Season again. As you all know this year was very different because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. We have to wear a mask on our faces, keeping our distance, we have to do without hugs and we also have to stay away from our loved ones especially our grandparents and the elderly. In Malta there are 27,066 persons who live all alone. Living all alone was always a
problem. However due to this pandemic living all alone has now become harder. This Festive Season there are going to be elderly people who are not going to have any family or loved ones to celebrate with. The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society together with Prof Alexei Dingli and his team made up of Mr StephenBezzina and Ms Marvic Sciberras and Nanniet Malta came up with an idea to make the elderly happy during this festive season. The Minister for Education Dr Justyne Caruana together with her team and Caritas Diaconia Unit are the main
You children can help!
It is very simple. All you need to do is write or draw a message addressed to a Grandparent and upload your message on Then the team behind this initiative will print your messages, put them in an envelope and deliver them to the elderly living all alone, for the festive season.
We welcome your messages as from the 2nd December till the 13th December. We are looking forward to receiving a lot of messages from you CHILDREN, so that together we can make our GRANDPARENTS who are living all alone happy.