Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni għaddej b’ħidma intensiva biex bl-għeluq tal-iskejjel min-nhar it-Tnejn, jagħti serħan il-moħħ dwar xenarji u sfidi li jistgħu jinħolqu.
Għaddejja ħidma biex dak li l-istudenti għandhom ikollhom bi dritt, edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità, titwasslilhom b’mod diġitali, lil kulħadd u b’mod kwalitattiv.
Konxji mill-fatt illi jista’ jkun li hemm studenti li ma jkollhomx jew aċċess għall-internet jew inkella ma jkollhomx kompjuter, allura bħala ministeru se nniedu diversi inizjattivi fosthom internet b’xejn kif ukoll għajnuna fejn jidħlu l-għoti tal-kompjuters fuq perjodu fejn l-iskejjel se jkunu magħluqin.
Apparti milli qed jipprovdi servizz tal-internet b’xejn biex ikopri ż-żmien li l-iskejjel se junu
magħluqin, għal dawk l-istudenti li m’għandhomx kompjuter, laptop jew tablet, il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni se jipprovdilhom kompjuter biex jużawhom waqt li l-iskejjel huma magħluqin sal-11 ta’ April 2021.
Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb billi wieħed iċempel fuq 2598 1000 jew permezz tal-link
Free internet and electronic equipment will be provided to students in need.
Intensive work is underway so that with the schools’ closure on Monday, the Ministry for Education is giving its reassurance that the Ministry is looking at all the possible scenarios and challenges which can arise.
Preparatory work is underway to ensure all students will continue to receive quality education by
means of high standards of digital platforms. Aware of the fact that we may have students who do not have access to the internet or do not have a computer, the ministry will launch various initiatives including free internet
and the provision of computers. We are referring to the period when our schools will be closed.
In addition to providing free internet service to cover the period that the schools will be closed, for
those students who do not have a computer, laptop or tablet, the Ministry for Education will provide
them with a computer to use during the period that the schools are closed until the 11th April, 2021.
Further information can be obtained on 2598 1000 or by means of the link: