Iċ-Ċentri għall-Ħarsien tat-Tfal, immexxija mill-FES, ukoll kellhom jagħlqu, pero’ l-edukaturi fetħu l-laptops u qalbhom biex ikomplu jżommu kuntatt mat-tfal.
Ix-xogħol qiegħed jissarraf f’attivitajiet addattati għat-tfal li jittellgħu fuq il-paġni ta’ Facebook ta’ kull Ċentru.
L-iskop hu li jaqsmu dawn l-attivitajiet mal-ġenituri biex jagħmluhom ma’ uliedhom. Huwa ċans ukoll għat-tfal biex jerġgħu jaraw lil-edukaturi tagħhom, li magħhom kienu bnew rabta sabiħa, u min jaf kemm qattgħu mumenti sbieħ flimkien f’dawn l-aħħar xhur.
Din ir-rabta qed nippruvaw insaħħuha biex ma tintilifx permezz ta’ komunikazzjoni diretta onlajn. Il-ġenituri f’kull ċentru ġew mistiedna biex flimkien mat-tfal tagħhom jibdew jingħaqdu mall-Edukaturi għal attivitajiet, kant, u logħob, biex ikompli jiġi mrawwem ambjent pożittiv u edukattiv.
Kull min huwa reġistrat ma’ xi wieħed miċ-Ċentri għall-Ħarsien tat-Tfal tal-FES, huwa mħeġġeġ biex jipparteċipa f’dawn il-laqgħat onlajn, li se jservu wkoll bħall mezz ta’ sapport bejn il-ġenituri wkoll.
L-attivitajiet fuq il-paġni ta’ Facebook ta’ kull Ċentru għall-Ħarsien tat-Tfal tal-FES huma aċċessibbli għal kulħadd.
FES Childcare Centres – the Online Connection
Once again the educational institutions in our country had to close their doors as directed by the Health Authorities. However, education is not something that you can turn your back on. Every moment is a learning opportunity, especially with the incredible technological tools in our hands.
The FES Childcare Centres too closed their doors, so the Childcare Educators opened their laptops, and their hearts, to continue reaching out to their little charges.
Hard work is being translated into daily activities, being uploaded daily on the centres’ FB pages. The aim for the activities to be shared with the parents to implement them with their children. The children in turn get to see the Childcare Educator with whom they have bonded and shared wonderful times during these past months.
This year the connection is being strengthened further with regular LIVE sessions. Each FES Childcare Centre is inviting the parents and their children to join the live online sessions with the Childcare Educators, enabling more participation, activities, songs, and fun, to foster a positive learning environment.
Service users registered with the FES Childcare Centres are encouraged to connect to these LIVE sessions also as a means of support between parents.
Everyone is invited to access the FB pages of the thirteen FES Childcare centres for detailed activities.