Kif tħabbar nhar l-Erbgħa 7 t’April 2021 mill-awtoritajiet kompetenti tal-pajjiż, it-tagħlim ser jissokta u l-iskejjel ser jiftħu mill-ġdid. Segwi l-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet li tħejjew biex jiggwidaw lil dawk interessati.
Jissokta l-appell favur l-osservanza minn kulħadd tal-miżuri kollha li għandna f’kull skola.
Mistoqsijiet u Tweġibiet Ftuħ tal-Iskejjel April 2021As announced last Wednesday 7 April 2021, by the competent authorities of the country, teaching will continue and schools will reopen. Follow the questions and answers that have been prepared to guide those interested. We appeal to the public to comply with all the measures that we have in place in schools.
Q&As Reopening of Schools April 2021