EducationMEYRNational Literacy Agency

L-Implimentazzjoni tar-Reading Recovery fl-Iskejjel

Is-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni, Sport, Żgħażagħ, Riċerka u Innovazzjoni is-Sur Matthew Vella, żar is-sessjonijiet tar-Reading Recovery  fl-Iskola Primarja A tal-Fgura, Kulleġġ San Tumas More.

Il-programm tar-Reading Recovery qiegħed jitħaddem f’numru ta’ skejjel f’Malta u Għawdex mill-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Institute of Education, UCL.

Biex tkun tista’ tilħaq dejjem aktar tfal, nhar it-Tlieta 15 ta’ Marzu 2022, l-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu laqgħet 15-il għalliem li se jkunu parti mill-Programm Inizjali ta’ Żvilupp Professjonali (IPD) tar-Reading Recovery (RR) 2022-2023. Din hija t-tielet sena li qed isir dan il-programm ta’ taħriġ mill-Aġenzija b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Institute of Education, UCL. Il-programm jipprovdi perspettiva unika biex jgħallem dwar l-imġiba tat-tfal lejn il-litteriżmu permezz ta’ osservazzjonijiet u kritika ta’ lezzjonijiet diretti kif ukoll permezz ta’ tagħlim ta’ kuljum ta’ erbat itfal b’mod individwali.


The Implementation of Reading Recovery in Schools

The Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youths, Research and Innovation, Mr. Matthew Vella, visited St Thomas More College, Fgura Primary School A, to observe Reading Recovery sessions in action.

Reading Recovery continues to be implemented in a number of schools in Malta and Gozo by the National Literacy Agency, in collaboration with the Institute of Education, UCL.

To be able to offer Reading Recovery to more children, on Tuesday 15 March 2022, the National Literacy Agency welcomed the 15 teachers who will be participating in the Reading Recovery (RR) Initial Professional Development (IPD) Programme 2022-2023.  This is the third year that this training programme is being held by the NLA in collaboration with the Institute of Education, UCL. The programme provides a unique lens to learn about children’s literacy behaviours through the observation and critique of live lessons as well as through the daily teaching of four children individually.