The Science Centre (Pembroke) recently organized the first in-person Scientix Seminar entitled STEM Professionals-Educators Encounter. During the seminar, a range of STEM professionals from different disciplines and STEM educators explored ways to strengthen quality STEM education for all students.
Ms. D. Scicluna Bugeja (Assistant Director DLAP) welcomed the guests and emphasized the need to extend the STEM education ecosystem with the participation of all stakeholders.
Minister Clifton Grima addressed the audience and highlighted that STEM education is a national priority to enhance Malta’s economic competitiveness and to equip all students with the skills and competencies necessary for the future STEM workforce. During the seminar, Mr. Mario Muscat (EO Integrated Science) shared the Teen Science Café experience while Mr. Noel Harmsworth (EO Integrated Science) moderated a panel discussion related to the link between education and industry, to enhance the STEM career guidance. Ms. Evita Tasiopaulou (Project and Pedagogical Manager, Science Education Department and European Schoolnet) addressed the participants virtually and highlighted a range of strategies, that school classrooms can use to promote STEM careers. During the second part of the seminar, Dr. Laurent Filipozzi GM-STMicroelectronics Malta explored the initiatives embarked on to promote STEM careers in a gender balanced workforce.
The Seminar was concluded with a brief interview with two national Scientix Ambassadors who discussed the benefits and opportunities offered through the role and the networking within Scientix-the STEM-educators’ community.