EducationMEYRSchool Initiative

St. Ignatius College holds STEM Awards Ceremony

The STEM Awards Ceremony – the first of its kind – was held by St. Ignatius College at the Siġġiewi Primary School last Thursday 25th May 2023.

A total of 43 projects were submitted by Year 4 students.  These projects were all part of a competition that urged students to focus on conductors and insulators.  Certificates of Participation were distributed.  The students with the best and the second-best project at every Primary School received fantastic gifts – all kindly donated by Esplora.

Luqa Primary School emerged as the school with the highest participation rate and in recognition of this, the Head of School was presented with a glass trophy to be kept by the school.

Another special prize was awarded to the student with the best over-all project.  This was kindly donated by the National Skills Council.

Year 5 students who – in collaboration with the Middle School – participated in an online quiz were also duly recognized.  Qormi San Bastjan Primary School came out as the best performing school in this quiz.  Qormi San Gorg Primary School ranked second.  Both Heads of Schools were also presented with special glass trophies in recognition of their efforts.

This was the culmination of week-long activities held across all the college with the aim of promoting and celebrating STEM activities.   Apart from the competitions and the online quiz held, Secondary School labs also opened their doors to primary school students whilst Middle School collaborated closely with the Primary Schools, making the whole activity a truly unforgettable experience.