
‘I Choose – Nagħżel il-Karriera Tiegħi’

The I Choose event is organised by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation to provide information about post-secondary courses and/or career opportunities.

During ‘I Choose – Nagħżel il-Karriera Tiegħi’, which is held in July every year, one was able to explore different TALKS delivered by professionals coming from various employment and educational sectors to help students decide on their future career paths. Students and their parents/guardians were informed about the career opportunities they could aspire to and the qualities, attitudes and skills needed to work in the different areas.

The event also offered  ONE-TO-ONE CAREER GUIDANCE SESSIONS with a career guidance practitioner to give students and their parents/guardians the opportunity to discuss difficulties and doubts related to their career path and enable them to make informed choices about their future.

STANDS by Post-Secondary Institutions and employer representatives. Students and their parents/guardians could reach out for support to the Post-Secondary and Tertiary Educational Institutions who also offer career guidance to prospective students who need further support in their choice of post-secondary course.