EducationMEYRSchool Initiative

Learning and Growing Together at St. Ignatius College

29th February 2024 is a momentous day in the story of St. Ignatius College – Learning & Growing Together – to be the best we can.….as this morning the Head of College Network, Dr Doreen Said Pace, has received the prestigious award of the school of excellence from HRH Dr Nisreen El-Hashemite.
This is the first award of its kind to be given by the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) to a school as part of the closing year of the World Capital of Girls and Women in Science – a title that Malta was its designatory.
St Ignatius College has the privilege to acclaim that it is the first college across all the educational sectors on the islands of Malta to be bestowed with this award. The credentials in the proclamation speak for themselves.
This internationally distinguished award is a testament of the great team of Heads of School, the College Staff, the educators, the supporting officers from the Ministry for Education, Sports, Research, Youth and Innovation, the parents, the external stakeholders and the students.
We are undoubtedly honoured to have had our efforts recognised as this fuels us with the energy and motivation to work smarter to address the needs of our students. In doing so, we will be contributing to the needs of our country – a small village in the global one that is called the world.
Thanks to MEYR, RASIT and all the entities that work with us – HSBC Malta Foundation, Esplora and the National Skills Council amongst others.