EducationMEYRSchool Initiative

Reflecting on the Transformative Power of Erasmus+ Mobility Experience

Ms Emilee Spiteri (E.O. Curriculum), Mr Jonathan Portanier Mifsud (Head of Kirkop Senior School) and Ms Elizabeth Grech Scicluna (French teacher) together with 8 Kirkop secondary students travelled to Kalix (Sweden) as part of their Erasmus+ Mobility Experience.

This mobility was coordinated by the St Benedict College – Office of the Head College Network as part of the College Erasmus+ Accreditation.

Such a mobility highlighted the discovery of new curricular activities, teamwork and a positive school ethos. Moreover, the professional development of every educator and every student was enriched. In fact, on their return to school such a knowledge is going to be shared among all the stakeholders within St Benedict College.

The college looks forward to more mobilities to enrich our college ethos.