
The importance of reading for pleasure – PD sessions

The National Literacy Agency in collaboration with the National Literacy Trust organised professional development sessions about the importance of reading for pleasure, for Literacy Heads of Department, Literacy Support Teachers, Reading and Storytelling Animators and Tutors, Literacy Resource Leaders, and Drama Resource Leaders.  Discussions were held about current practices and further strategies to instil the love of reading, to encourage comprehension and to engage as many learners as possible, were considered. The sessions were conducted by Ms. Nicola Izibili. Ms Izibili is an English Consultant and Practising Teacher within the National Literacy Trust, and she delivers professional training in reading for pleasure programmes. She also established The Writing Web to improve the writing skills of Year 5-8 students.


L-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu b’kollaborazzjoni man-National Literacy Trust organizzat sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ professjonali fuq l-importanza tal-qari għall-gost għall-Kapijiet tad-Dipartiment tal-Litteriżmu, l-għalliema tal-litteriżmu, l-animaturi u t-tuturi tal-qari u l-irrakkuntar tal-istejjer, u l-promoturi tal-litteriżmu. Ġew diskussi prattiċi eżistenti fil-qasam edukattiv kif ukoll strateġiji oħra kif tissaħħaħ l-imħabba għall-qari, jitjieb il-fehim u jkunu inklużi aktar studenti. Is-Sa Nicola Izibili mexxiet dawn is-sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ. Is-Sa Izibili hija konsulenta u għalliema fi ħdan in-National Literacy Trust ta’ Londra. Hija tagħti sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ dwar programmi ta’ qari għall-gost u waqqfet servizz jismu ‘The Writing Web’ biex tgħin studenti mill-ħames sena sat-tmienja jtejbu l-ħiliet tal-kitba tagħhom.