
Health Care Careers Fair this weekend

The National School Support Services are collaborating with the Ministry for Health and Active Ageing in the organisation of the Health Care Careers Fair which will be held this weekend on Saturday 9th November from 9.00am to 4.00pm and Sunday 10th November from 9.00am to at St. Benedict’s College, Kirkop. 

We highly urge students and their parents/guardians to attend.  Representatives from every profession in the health care system will be present to share their experiences and pathways. Please note the event is open to students of all ages.


Is-Servizz Nazzjonali ta’ Sapport Għall-Iskejjel qiegħed jikkolabora mal-Ministru tas-Saħħa u Anzjanita Attiva biex jorganizza il-Fiera relatata ma’ Karrieri fis-Saħħa li ser tiġi mtella’ dan il-weekend, Is-Sibt, 9 ta’ Novembru bejn id-9 ta’ filgħodu u l-4 ta’ wara nofsinhar, u l-Ħadd, 10 ta’ Novembru bejn id-9 u s-1 ta’ wara nofsinhar.

Inħeġġu lill-istudenti u l-ġenituri/kustodji biex jattendu. Rappreżentanti minn kull professjoni  tas-saħħa se jkunu preżenti biex jaqsmu l-esperjenzi  u t-traġġit edukattiv tagħhom. Il-Fiera miftuħa għall-istudenti ta’ kull età.

Covering letter