
Stedina għall-Istudenti: Avventura Maġika tal-Mitoloġija Griega fit-Teatru Salesjan

Idħol fid-dinja maġika ta’ The Orchard Book of First Greek Myths, ġabra sabiħa ta’ rakkonti antiki li ngħataw il-ħajja mill-kittieb ta’ talent Malti Saviour Pirotta. F’Novembru, fit-Teatru Salesjan f’Tas-Sliema, tista’ tingħaqad magħna għal esperjenza unika stile Teatru Malta fejn udjenzi żgħażagħ se jiddeċiedu l-istorja!

B’direzzjoni ta’ Sean Buhagiar, b’partitura affaxxinanti ta’ Albert Garzia, dan l-ispettaklu jistieden lill-udjenzi żgħar jivvutaw għal liema storja minn ħames miti ser jaraw fuq il-palk. Se tkun il-kuraġġ ta’ Persew quddiem Medusa? Jew forsi t-traġedja tal-mess tad-deheb ta’ Re Midas? Id-deċiżjoni tkun tagħhom!

F’din il-prestazzjoni interattiva, ż-żgħażagħ mhux biss jaraw—huma jgħinu biex isawru l-ispettaklu. Huwa mod eċċitanti kif tesplora dawn il-miti klassiċi u tieħu sehem fl-avventura!

L-ispettakli huma bejn il-15 u l-24 ta’ Novembru.

Ibbukkjaw postkom ma’ Lisa Baldacchino mit-tim ta’ ŻiguŻajg fuq [email protected].

PS: Jaf diġà rċivejtu kommunikazzjoni mingħand Lisa dwar il-ispettaklu; nitolbukom tkellmuna fuq l-email li rċivejtu direttament.


Step into the magical world of The Orchard Book of First Greek Myths, a delightful collection of ancient tales brought to life by the talented Maltese storyteller Saviour Pirotta. This November at the newly refurbished Teatru Salesjan, you can join us for a unique Teatru Malta experience where young audiences will decide the story!

Under the direction of Sean Buhagiar, with a captivating score by Albert Garzia, this show invites young audiences to vote on which five myths will take centre stage. Will it be the courage of Perseus facing Medusa? Or perhaps the tragic, golden touch of King Midas? The choice is theirs!

In this interactive performance, young ones don’t just watch—they help shape the show. It’s a thrilling way to explore these classic myths and have a say in the adventure!

Performances run between the 15th and 24th November.

Please book your places with Lisa Baldacchino from the ŻiguŻajg team on [email protected].
PS: You may already have received a communication from Lisa about this performance; please drop us a line on that same email directly.

LINKS FOR SCHOOL BOOKINGS _ Ziguzajg Festival 2024.xlsx - Sheet1 (5)ŻiguŻajg Festival 2024 _ School Circular _Shows Information .docx (1) (3) (2)ZiguZajg Leaflet - Schedule of Shows (3) (2) (1)