EducationMEYRSchool Initiative

Interschool Events for Primary Schools

The Interschool events for Primary schools, launched in the first term of this scholastic year, have been a resounding success, across more than 10 different sport disciplines. These events are organised in coordination with the Malta School Games (MSG), culminating in the Primary Schools Finals for all participating sport disciplines, scheduled for 19th to 23rd May.

The enthusiasm and sportsmanship displayed by students during these games have been remarkable. Over 50 state and non-state schools are actively participating, showcasing the dedication of educators, coaches, and stakeholders in fostering a vibrant sporting culture.

These events not only provide an excellent platform for students to showcase their skills but also encourage teamwork, resilience, and a love for physical activity, physical education and sport. Such positive engagement reinforces the value of sports as a key component of education.

Looking ahead, maintaining this momentum is vital. With continued collaboration, we aim to inspire all students to be more active and develop a deeper interest in various sporting disciplines. Together, we are laying the foundation for a healthier, more active generation.

#ActiveStudents #InterschoolGames #MaltaSchoolGames #SportsForAll