Il-linja ta’ sapport 25981000 tinkludi l-estensjoni (4) Nisimgħek li l-MEDE ħoloq biex jagħti l-lok fejn studenti u ġenituri tagħhom jistgħu jitkellmu ma’ practitioners mill-Kulleġġ bħall- Counsellors, Social workers, Psychologists, Career Advisors, Safe Schools Guidance teachers. Din il-linja tkun miftuħa mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa (8.30 -16.00) barra fil-vaganzi tal-iskola jew pubbliċi.
Nisimgħek is the sub-line ext. 4 of the MEDE support line 25981000 created to listen to learners and their parents during COVID-19 period. It is manned by Colleges’ practitioners such as Counsellors, Social workers, Psychologists, Career Advisors, Safe Schools Guidance teachers. This line is open from Monday to Friday (8.30 -16.00) excluding public or school holidays.