EducationMinistry for Education and Employment

2020 MQF Impact Assessment – Stħarriġ miftuħ sat-30 Ġunju, 2020

Il-qafas tal-kwalifiki ta ‘ Malta kellu impatt fuq xogħlok jew l-istudji tiegħek? Flimkien ma’ SCQFP(Scotish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership), NCFHE (National Commission for Further and Higher Education) qed iwettaq studju ta ‘ valutazzjoni tal-impatt fuq l-MQF (Malta Qualification Framework). Jeħtieġ li nkunu nafu l-feedback tiegħek bħala student, impjegat, min iħaddem, kumpaniji, uffiċjal tal-Gvern, istituzzjoni edukattiva, eċċ.

Nitolbuk tagħmel dan l-istħarriġ ta’ 15-il minuta:

Il-parteċipazzjoni tiegħek fl-istudju se jgħin biex jiġu ifformulati r-rakkomandazzjonijiet lill-MQF!




2020 MQF IMPACT ASSESSMENT – Survey open until June 30th, 2020​

Has the Malta Qualifications Framework impacted your work or your studies? Together with the SCQFP (Scotish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership), NCFHE (National Commission for Further and Higher Education) is carrying out an Impact Assessment Study on the MQF. We need to know your feedback as a student, an employee, an employer, a parent, a government official, an educational institution etc.

Take this 15 min survey:

Your participation in the study will help formulate recommendations on how to develop the MQF!