EducationMinistry for Education and EmploymentSchool Initiative

Żjara ta’ Orjentazzjoni virtwali għall-istudenti tas-6 sena

F’dawn il-jiem skejjel fil-Kulleġġi differenti għaddejjin b’eżerċizzju ta’ tranżizzjoni tal-istudenti mis-sitt għas-seba’ sena u mit-tmien għad-disa’ sena.

Il-Kulleġġ Maria Regina organizza Żjara ta’ Orjentazzjoni virtwali tal-Middle School għall-istudenti tas-6 sena li ġejjin mis-sitt skejjel Primarji tal-Kulleġġ.

Il-cohort kien maqsum f’erba’ gruppi ta’ aktar minn mitt student kull wieħed fejn intuża l-programm MS TEAMS. L-għalliema tal-Guidance ppreparaw video ta’ tour virtwali biex l-istudenti jaraw x’tista’ toffri l-iskola, inklużi klassijiet, uffiċċini, sala, kif ukoll faċilitajiet ġewwa u barra għall-isport.  L-istudenti ġew mitluba jiktbu xewqa għas-sena skolastika li jmiss fejn dawn se jintwerew fil-Middle School fl-ewwel jum tas-sena skolastika li jmiss.


Orientation visit for Year 6 students

During these days schools in different Colleges are going through a school transition exercise from the sixth to the seventh year and from the eighth to the ninth year.

Maria Regina College organised a virtual Middle School Orientation Visit for all Year 6 students coming from all six College Primary schools.

The cohort was divided into four groups of more than a hundred students each using the MS TEAMS programme.  The guidance team prepared a virtual tour video so that the students see what the school can offer, including offices, hall, indoor and outdoor sport premises.

During a Padlet activity, students were asked to write a wish for next scholastic year.  All these wishes will later be displayed at MRC Naxxar Middle School as from the first day of next Scholastic Year.