Aġenzija Żgħażagħ tirrikonoxxi r-responsabbilita’ tagħha li tikkontribwixxi biex iż-żgħażagħ jakkwistaw l-aktar ħiliet importanti għas-seklu 21, speċjalment dawk li jgħinuhom jirriflettu u janalizzaw x’qed jiġri madwarhom. Permezz tal-programm Young Parliamentarians #ejjewniddibattu, studenti mid-disa’, għaxar u ħdax-il sena tas-sekondarja setgħu jitħarrġu fl-użu ta’ dawn il-ħiliet fl-isfond ta’ programm imfassal fi tliet fażijiet fl-arti tad-dibattitu formali. Dawn is-sessjonijiet servew biex l-istudenti jifhmu aktar xi tfisser ċittadinanza attiva kif ukoll kif jitħaddem il-proċess demokratiku. Minħabba li svolġew ukoll waqt il-pandemija tal-Covid-19, taw lil parteċipanti l-opportunita’ li jifhmu l-bżonn tal-bidla u l-flessibilita’ peress li l-programm ġie mibdi b’sessjonijiet ġewwa l-iskejjel rispettivi imma ġie magħluq b’dibattiti fuq pjattaforma virtwali bejn l-istudenti li waslu sal-aħħar fażi. Wara s-suċċess ta’ din is-sena, l-applikazzjonijiet għas-sena d-dieħla jerġgħu jiftħu mas-sena skolastika 2020/21. Ara l-video hawn taħt.
Young Parliamentarians #ejjewniddibattu
5 interschool debates between the students who made it to the third and final phase of Young Parliamentarians marked the close of this programme last week. When this initiative was launched last October, Covid-19 and the subsequent closure of schools during the 2nd scholastic term were unforeseen. However, the enthusiasm of the participating schools and students encouraged Aġenzija Żgħażagħ to resume this programme online. Virtual debating can be more daunting than physically standing on a podium knowing your team mates are right behind you. However, the students rose to the occasion and the Certificate of Participation which will be awarded to each student was surely merited.
Agenzija Zghazagh is proud to present a group collage marking the end of this extraordinary first edition of Young Parliamentarians #ejjewniddibattu 2020. A special thank you goes to the schools, teachers and the students who debated this year’s themes representing the college secondary schools of St. Clare, St. Benedict, St. Margaret and St. Theresa, as well as The Archbishop’s Seminary, Immaculate Conception Secondary School – St. Jeanne Antide College Tarxien, Savio College – Dingli – Malta, De La Salle College and St. Edward’s College.
For more information about this year’s session, we would like to invite you to watch the video. Meantime, stay tuned to learn more about the launch of the 2021 round.