EducationMinistry for Education and EmploymentScholarships

Jiftħu Illum l-Iskemi ta’ Boroż ta’ Studju għall-2020

Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol qiegħed iniedi 5 Skemi ta’ Boroż ta’ Studju għas-sena akkademika 2020.  Dawn  jinkludu skema tal-Endeavour, Tess (Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme), Malta Arts Scholarship Scheme, Malta Sports Scholarships Scheme u għall-ewwl darba tnediet skema ġdida għall-Istudji Veterinarji.

Tista’ tapplika issa fuq


Scholarship Schemes for 2020 Open Today

The Ministry for Education and Employment has launched 5 Scholarship Schemes for the Academic year 2020.  These include the Endeavour Scheme, Tess (Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme), Malta Arts Scholarship Scheme, Malta Sports Scholarship Scheme and for the first time a new scheme for Veterinary Studies.

One can apply now at :