F’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat skejjel fil-Kulleġġi differenti ħejjew eżerċizzju u prattiċi ta’ tranżizzjoni tal-iskejjel mis-sitt għas-seba’ sena u mit-tmien għad-disa’ sena. Wara ż-żjara ta’ orjentazzjoni fil-Kulleġġ Maria Regina li ġie rrapurtat fl-10 ta’ Ġunju issa jmiss li naraw il-Kulleġġ ta’ Sta Klara.
Dan huwa it-tieni minn sensiela ta’ videos ippreparati mid-diversi Kulleġġi sabiex l-istudenti jorjentaw ruħhom għas-sena akkademika li jmiss.
Virtual Orientation Visit to St Clare College
The different School Colleges, in the past weeks, have prepared a school transition exercise from the sixth to seventh and eighth to ninth year. After following the orientation visit to Maria Regina College on the 10th of June we will now experience a virtual tour to see St Clare College.
This is the second from a series of videos produced by the School Colleges to prepare students for the coming scholastic year.