Ġie mniedi il-prospett ġdid tal-korsijiet għall-adulti għas-sena 2020 u 2021. Din is-sena numru ta’ korsijiet ser ikunu qed jingħataw online. Għall-ewwel darba wkoll l-età tal-applikazzjoni għall-korsijiet tniżżlet għal 15-il sena.
Dan sabiex studenti li jkunu ser jitilqu mis-sistema edukattiva, jingħataw l-opportunità biex ikomplu l-istudju tagħhom f’xi kors għall-adulti. B’inċentivi differenti, inkluż korsijiet għall-adulti, in-numru ta’ studenti li joħorġu kmieni mis-sistema edukattiva filfatt minn 23.8% naqas għall-16.7%. Ġie nnotat ukoll li n-numru ta’ popolazzjoni li segwew kors għall-adulti minn 6.2% tela’ għal 12%.
L-applikazzjonijiet ser jibqgħu jkunu aċċettati sa nhar is-7 t’Awwissu.
Wieħed jista’ jsib iżjed informazzjoni fuq www.lifelonglearning.gov.mt
New prospectus for adult courses launched
The new prospectus for adult courses for 2020 and 2021 has been launched. This year a number of courses will now be provided online. For the first time the application age for courses has been reduced to 15 years.
This is to give students, leaving the education system, the opportunity to continue their study in an adult course. In fact, it was noted that with the various incentives offered, including courses for adults, the number of students leaving the education system early fell from 23.8% to 16.7%. It was also noted that the number of population that followed an adult course rose from 6.2% to 12%.
Applications will be accepted until 7 August. More information can be found on www.lifelonglearning.gov.mt