Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol ser jorganiżża l- I Choose Fair – Nagħżel il-karriera tiegħi mmirata għall-istudenti kollha tas-Sena 11 (Form 5). L-Istituzzjonijiet Post-Sekondarji u Terzjarji se jwaqqfu stands apposta. L-għalliema tal-Guidance flimkien mal-edukaturi tal-iskejjel se jipprovdu informazzjoni dwar il-korsijiet li joffru, l-opportunitajiet ta’ karrieri disponibbli u jipprovdu l-appoġġ li l-istudenti għandhom bżonn biex jiddeċiedu fuq liema triq tal-karriera jimbarkaw. Se jkun hemm ukoll taħdidiet u informazzjoni kontinwi matul il-jumejn tal-fiera. It-taħdidiet se jingħataw minn kelliema li ġejjin minn setturi differenti tal-Impjiegi u it-Taħriġ. Il-fiera se ssir fil-Grand Hotel Excelsior nhar il-Ġimgħa, 31 ta ’Lulju, bejn is-16.00 – 20.00 u s-Sibt, 1 ta’ Awwissu, bejn id-09.00 u s-13.00.
I Choose Fair
The Ministry for Education and Employment is embarking on the I Choose Fair targeting all Year 11 (Form 5) students. Post-Secondary and Tertiary Institutions will set up stands. Guidance practitioners and school educators will provide information about the courses they offer, the career opportunities available and provide the support they need to decide on which career path to embark. There will also be ongoing Information Talks delivered throughout the 2 days. Talks will be given by speakers coming from different sectors of Employment and Education/Training. The fair will be held at the Grand Hotel Excelsior on Friday, 31st July, between 16.00 – 20.00 hrs and Saturday, 1st August, between 09.00 and 13.00hrs.