
Għalliema Maltin jiksbu suċċess fil-kompetizzjoni Europeana Education 2020

Sebgħa mit-30 rebbieħ ta’ din il-kompetizzjoni huma għalliema Maltin. Dan hu l-akbar numru ta’ rebbieħa mill-istess pajjiż! F’din il-kompetizzjoni pparteċipaw 283 għalliem minn 18-il pajjiż.

Għal dawn l-aħħar sentejn, numru ta’ għalliema Maltin ħadu sehem fil-proġett Europeana organizzat minn European Schoolnet. Huma ħejjew diversi ‘learning scenarios’ u riżorsi oħra għat-tagħlim. L-għan ta’ dan il-proġett hu li dawn ir-riżorsi jippromwovu l-użu ta’ wirt kulturali diġitali fl-iskejjel Ewropej. Dan hu importanti għax għalkemm il-kurrikulu nazzjonali jvarja minn pajjiż għall-ieħor, aħna fid-dmir li ngħinu lill-istudenti fl-iskejjel tagħna biex jifhmu l-Istorja Ewropea u japprezzaw il-wirt kulturali tagħna.

Tixtieq issir taf aktar dwar il-proġett Europeana? Żur https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/ u skopri dinja ta’ riżorsi, inkluż dawk li ħejjew l-għalliema Maltin!


Maltese teachers obtain great results in the Europeana Education 2020 competition.

Seven out of the 30 winners of this competition are Maltese teachers. This is the highest number of winners from the same country! 283 teachers from 18 countries have participated in this competition.

For the past 2 years, several Maltese teachers have participated in the Europeana project organised by European Schoolnet. They have designed and implemented various learning scenarios and other teaching resources. This project aims to promote digital cultural heritage in schools across Europe through the use of these resources. This is important because while the national curriculum differs from country to country, we must help learners understand our common European history and appreciate our cultural heritage.

Want to learn more about the Europeana project? Visit https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/ and discover a world of resources, including those prepared by Maltese teachers.