Kelly hija waħda mill-qarrejja tal-programm Aqra Miegħi / Read with Me .

Dan il-programm huwa mmirat għal tfal ta’ taħt it-tliet snin u l-ġenituri tagħhom. Is-sessjonijiet huma b’xejn u jsiru darba fil-ġimgħa. Matulhom jinqraw stejjer u jitkantaw taqbiliet mat-tfal f’ambjent ferrieħi. Bis-saħħa ta’ ‘Aqra Miegħi’ it-tfal isibuha eħfef jitgħallmu l-ħiliet tal-qari u tal-kitba.

Dan huwa programm tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu.

Segwi lil Kelly kuljum fil-11.00 ta’ filgħodu fuq:


Kelly is one of the readers on the programme Aqra Miegħi / Read with Me.

This programme is intended for children aged 0 to 3 years and their parents/ caregivers. The one-hour sessions are free and are held once a week. Each session includes sharing of stories from books, singing of nursery rhymes and other fun activities for this age group. The sessions support the development of reading and other literacy abilities.

This programme falls under the National Literacy Agency.

Follow Kelly everyday at 11:00am on:

Xi Xtaqet Issir il-MamaKelly taqra ‘Xi Xtaqet Issir il-Mama’ Miktub minn Graziella Calleja Illustrat minn Sue Flask Pubblikatur: BDL Publishing Min irid jixtri kotba simili jidħol fis-sit Ħin: 11:00

Posted by Aqra Miegħi / Read with Me on Tuesday, November 3, 2020