Impressjonijiet artistiċi ta’ kif se tidher l-Iskola Primarja l-ġdida tal-Imsida meta tkun lesta. Dan il-proġett se jsir b’investiment ta’ madwar €10 miljuni.  Proġett ieħor mill-FTS (Foundation for Tomorrow Schools).
Artistic impressions of how the new Msida Primary School will look like when completed. This project will be done with an investment of approximately €10 million.  Another project by FTS (Foundation for Tomorrow Schools).

Bini ta’ Skola Primarja Ġdida fl-Imsida – Construction of a new Primary School at MsidaFl-Imsida se nibnu Skola Primarja ġdida fl-istess sit ta’ dik li kien hemm qabel. Dan se jsir b’investiment ta’ madwar €10 miljuni.  At Msida we will construct a new Primary School on the same site of the previous one. This will be done with an investment of approximately €10 million.

Posted by Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools – FTS on Tuesday, November 3, 2020