Wara kollaborazzjoni mas-setturi kollha, il-Bord tal-MATSEC ħareġ numru ta’ miżuri għas sillabi tas-SEC, Intermedji u Avvanzat għas-sessjoni li ġejja fl-2021. Fl-istess ħin il-MATSEC ġie mitlub biex jgħin fil-koordinazzjoni tal-ġbir ta’ informazzjoni dwar dak li ġie kopert fis-Sena 9 tas-sena skolastika li għaddiet (2019-2020) kif ukoll dwar x’inhu ppjanat għal din is-sena fis-Snin 9 u 10 ħalli dan jigi rifless fis-sillabi tal-2022 u 2023. Barra minn hekk, u għal skopijiet ta’ assessjar biss, il-MATSEC qed tassumi li fis-suġġetti kollha minbarra dawk vokazzjonli u applikati, minn Marzu 2020 sa avviż ieħor, l-ebda xogħol prattiku, fieldwork u orali ma huma qed jigu assessjati fl-iskejjel.
The MATSEC Examinations Board is collaborating with State, Church and Independent school sectors to update the Secondary Education Certificate syllabi for 2022 and 2023.
At the request of MEDE, and in agreement with the representatives of the church and independent schools, MATSEC will assist in coordinating the gathering of information on what has been covered in Year 9 of the past scholastic year (2019-2020) as well as what is planned for this year in Years 9 and 10.
In view of this, each sector will independently collect data from schools and present it to MATSEC through the sector representative of each subject panel. This will help panels make an informed decision on the changes required to address the present situation in schools where different teaching modalities are in place. The MATSEC subject panels will attempt to streamline the content that is to be covered during this scholastic year by working on the data collected from the schools.
Following this exercise, MATSEC will communicate the updated versions of the syllabi and their assessment so that such changes are also reflected in the teaching.
In addition, and for assessment purposes only, MATSEC is assuming that as from March 2020 until further notice, no practical work, fieldwork and orals would have been assessed in schools. In reflecting this, the syllabus panels will not incorporate them in the updated syllabi.
30- 20 Changes in MATSEC 2021 syllabi