EducationMinistry for Education and Employment

Rakkomandazzjonijiet favur is-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-istudenti

Il-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni, fl-Università ta’Malta matul is-sajf, bħala parti mill-ftuħ mill-ġdid tal-iskejjel, ħadmet id f’id mal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzoni u x-Xogħol sabiex inħarġet pubblikazzjoni b’sensiela ta’ rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-edukaturi favur is-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-istudenti.


The Faculty of Education was commissioned to work on a set of recommendations to schools to address learning losses due to school closure.

A group of academics worked on this document and the Ministry of Education and Employment published these recommendations in a booklet entitled: Recommendations for the Wellbeing of Students: Insights and Reflective Practices to Support Educators in Addressing Learning Losses due to School Closure. 

This publication can be downloaded here: