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Foundations in Family Literacy Intervention Programme (Award)

Kors ġdid offrut b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu, akkreditat fil-Livell 7 tal-MQF, Foundations in Family Literacy Intervention Programme (Award). Il-kors qed jiġi offrut għat-tuturi tal-programm NWAR jew dawk prospettivi.

Data tal-ewwel sessjoni 26 ta’ Jannar 2021.

Għal aktar informazzjoni –

#IfEMalta #Korsġdid #NLAMalta

The Foundations of a Family Literacy Intervention Programme (Award) – FFL/01/2021

Programme overview

This short programme will allow educators to obtain an awareness and a deep understanding of how all students can acquire literacy skills. They will be able to understand the causes of literacy difficulties and to adapt their teaching to suit the needs of students in their class. They will also gain a working knowledge to support students, identify their literacy difficulties and plan a systematic, intervention programme such to address their difficulties.