In-Nominazzjonijiet ta’ ġenituri/kustodji għall-Kunsilli Skolastiċi fetħu it-Tnejn 11 ta’ Jannar u jagħlqu l-Ħadd 17 ta’ Jannar 2021 fis-1.00pm. In-nominazzjonijiet isiru fuq is-sit elettroniku tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni :
Ġenituri/Kustodji jistgħu jinnominaw lilhom infushom.
- F’kull skola jistgħu jikkontestaw u huma eliġibbli għall-vot il-ġenituri/kustodji li għandhom ulied imorru f’dik l-iskola.
- Ma jistgħux jikkontestaw l-elezzjoni għall-istess Kunsill l-omm u l-missier.
- Flimkien, imma xi ħadd minnhom biss.
- Ġenitur/Kustodju jista’ jkun membru f’aktar minn Kunsill wieħed ġaladarba lulied jattendu f’dawk l-iskejjel.
- Fil-każ taċ-Ċentri ta’ Riżorsi, jistgħu joħorġu għall-Kunsill u jivvutaw biss dawk ilġenituri/kustodji li wliedhom huma reġistrati full-time f’dawk l-iskejjel.
- Genituri/kustodji li wliedhom huma fl-aħħar sena skolastika jistgħu jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet. Ladarba t-tfal tagħhom jispiċċaw mill-iskola dawn jistgħu jagħżlu jekk itemmux il-ħatra tagħhom bħala membri jew le.
- Ġenituri/kustodji li huma wkoll edukaturi jistgħu jikkontestaw l-elezzjoni kemm bħala ġenituri kif ukoll bħala edukaturi ġol-istess skola; iżda ladarba jiġu eletti jistgħu jżommu biss post wieħed fil-Kunsill. Edukaturi li għandhom it-tfal tagħhom ġo skola differenti minn fejn jgħallmu huma, jistgħu jżommu ż-żewġ postijiet.
Jekk int ġenitur/kustodju titlifx din l-okkażjoni. Għin lill-iskola ta’ wliedek billi tikkontesta l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Skolastiċi.
School Council Elections (Parents/Custodians)
Nominations for parents/guardians who want to contest the election for the School Councils are currently being accepted and can be submitted at up to Sunday 17th January 2021 at 1.00pm.
- Parents/guardians of students attending this school can contest the election and
- vote for the School Council.
- Only one member from each family can contest the election for the same school.
- Parents/guardians can be members of more than one School Council as long as
- their children attend those schools.
- In the case of Resource Centres, only parents whose children are registered as fulltime students can participate in the elections, both as candidates as well as voters.
- Parents/guardians of students in the last year of school may be nominated for the
- Once their children finish school, it is up to them to decide whether or
- not to continue as members.
- Parents/guardians, who are also educators, can be nominated both as Representatives of the Educators as well as Representatives of the Parents on the same Council. However, if they are elected for both posts they will have to choose one post.
- Educators whose children attend a different school from where they teach can be Representatives of Educators in the school where they are assigned and Representatives of Parents in their children’s school.
The excellent work and dedication of members who served on previous Councils left positive results in our school. Parents/guardians are therefore encouraged to participate in these elections by either volunteering as Council Members or by nominating other parents/guardians of children in our school. Participation in these elections is of utmost importance and your cooperation is greatly appreciated in the best interests of the school and the students.