Elections will be held between Monday 1st February and Saturday 6th February 2021. This year elections will be conducted online. Each parent/guardian entitled to a vote has received a Code made up of three letters and three numbers. Parents/guardians can vote online using a computer, a smartphone or a tablet.
To vote:
- Access the website edu.mt
- Enter the Codeyou have received
- Press Continue
- The list of nominated candidates will be displayed. Vote for not more than three candidates
- Press Submit
You are encouraged to use your right to vote in for candidates contesting for the School Council Elections. As Parents: your participation matters
Elezzjonijiet Kunsilli Skolastiċi (Ġenituri/Kustodji)
L-elezzjoni sejra ssir bejn it-Tnejn 1 ta’ Frar u s-Sibt 6 ta’ Frar 2021. L-elezzjoni din is-sena sejra ssir biss onlajn. Intom irċivejtu kodiċi mill-iskola magħmul minn tliet ittri u tliet numri. Biex tivvota tista’ tuża kompjuter, tablet jew smartphone.
Biex tivvota:
- Idħol fis-sit edu.mt
- Tinfetaħ paġna – Daħħal il-Kodiċili rċevejt.
- Agħfas Continue
- Tinfetaħ paġna bl-ismijiet tal-kandidati u vvota għal mhux aktar minn tliet kandidati
- Agħfas Submit.
Għin lill-iskola ta’ wliedek. Uri l-interess tiegħek fl-edukazzjoni ta’ wliedek. Agħti s-sehem tiegħek f’dawn l-Elezzjonijiet billi tivvota.