EducationMinistry for Education

Catch-Up Educational Programme 2021/22

Expression of Interest from amongst Public Officers in the grades of Teacher and Supply Teacher

The Ministry for Education is inviting public officers in the grades of Teachers/Supply Teachers teaching in Primary Schools (including Complementary and Literacy Support Teachers) and
Teachers/Supply Teachers teaching the subjects mentioned hereunder in Middle/Post/Secondary Schools to submit their application to serve in this programme.

Maltese – English – Mathematics  -Physics – Integrated Science

Kindly note the following information:

1. The online application form will be available at the following link: as follows:
Opening date: 12:01 pm Tue, 5th October 2021 and Closing date: 12:00 noon on Fri, 8th October 2021
Opening date: 12:01 pm Fri, 8th October 2021 and Closing date: 12:00 noon on Friday 15thOctober 2021
Opening date: 12:01 pm Fri, 15th October 2021 and Closing date: 12:00 noon on Friday, 22nd October 2021

2. When filling in the form, please ensure you are logged in to your own ilearn account since your identity will be captured automatically. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email.

3. Selection will be by seniority within each of the periods specified at “1.” above. In cases where a seniority number is not available (e.g. supply teachers), teaching experience will be taken into

4. An all-inclusive remuneration of €17.10 for each 40-minute lesson will be given, covering the lessons as well and any required preparation.

5. Lessons will be delivered in person at selected regional centres as listed in the online form as well as virtually or through a simultaneous combination of both.

6. In-Person lessons and Virtual lessons will be held on Saturdays and will run between 09:00 and 12:00, starting 3rd week of October 2021 till 1st week of June 2022.

7. Whilst students attending these classes will require individualised support, teachers will be provided with information regarding the topics to be prioritised.

8. Selected teachers will be required to attend an information session in preparation for the programme.