
Ippubblikata il-Euroguidance Malta Newsletter!

L-aħħar Euroguidance Malta Newsletter għadha kif ġiet ippubblikata!          

Iċ-Ċentru tal-Euroguidance, fi ħdan is-Servizzi Nazzjonali ta’ Sapport għall-Iskejjel, qed tniedi t-tielet edizzjoni tan-Newsletter, fejn fiha wieħed jista’ jara x-xogħol siewi li jagħmel dan iċ-Ċentru rigward is-servizz ta’ gwida għall-karrieri. Tista’ taċċessa fuq: https://euroguidance.gov.mt/portfolio/euroguidance-malta-newsletter-june-2021-issue-3/


The latest Euroguidance Malta Newsletter just published!

The Euroguidance Malta Centre, within the National School Support Services, is pleased to launch the 3rd  Euroguidance Newsletter, highlighting some of the valid work being conducted by the Centre in relation to career guidance. It can be accessed on: https://euroguidance.gov.mt/portfolio/euroguidance-malta-newsletter-june-2021-issue-3/