The Institute for Education is excited to announce the launch of their latest initiative:

??-?????? ???-??????, a platform through which you can meet up in person to socialise whilst having the opportunity to have an informal discussion with your colleagues and our guest speakers.

??-?????? ???-?????? is a biannual social event whereby we will be discussing some engaging topics together with the help of a panel of expert guest speakers. The aim is to engage our course participants in important topics outside the educational curriculum. This event is also intended to boost the sense of collegiality within the Institute for Education, acting as a social event during which you can network.


???’? ???? ???! ???? ?? ?? ???????? ??? link: Il-Klikka tal-Klassi: Language & Culture: The Discourse on Sexism in Malta. (25.02.2022) (

#IfE #ilklikkatalklassi