EducationMEYRNational Literacy Agency

Il-Programmi ta’ Seħer l-Istejjer/ Magic of Stories u  Gost il-Qari /Pleasure of Reading fl-iskejjel.

Matul is-sena skolastika 2022-2023, l-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu qiegħda toffri l-programmi ‘Seħer l-Istejjer/The Magic of Stories’,  li hu maħsub għal studenti mill-Kinder sat-tieni sena tal-primarja kif ukoll ‘Gost il-Qari / The Pleasure of Reading’ li huwa mfassal għall-klassijiet mit-tielet sas-sitt sena tal-primarja.  Dawn il-programmi qed isiru fi 43 skola primarja f’Malta u 9 skejjel primarji f’ Għawdex.

L-għan ta’ dawn il-programmi huwa li jħeġġeġ lit-tfal jaqraw għall-gost u jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet kritiċi u espressivi tagħhom.  Waqt is-sessjoni jinqraw stejjer mill-animaturi tal-Aġenzija, u jsiru attivitajiet imnebbħin mill-ktieb li jgħinu lit-tfal jinterpretaw l-istorja, jiddiskutuha u jħaddmu l-immaġinazzjoni u l-ħsieb analitiku u kritiku tagħhom.  Is-sessjonijiet isiru bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż.


Magic of Stories/Seħer l-Istejjer and Pleasure of Reading/Gost il-Qari Programmes in Schools

During the current scholastic year 2022-2023, the National Literacy Agency is organising reading for pleasure sessions through the programmes ‘The Magic of Stories/Seħer l-Istejjer’ for Kinder to Year 2 classes and ‘Pleasure of Reading/Gost-il-Qari’ for Year 3 to Year 6 classes. At present 43 primary schools in Malta and 9 primary schools in Gozo are hosting these programmes.

Each reading session features the sharing of stories from books as well as other interactive activities animated in such a way that stimulate the children’s interest and imagination.  These stories and the corresponding activities help the children to interpret, discuss and analyse stories in a critical way.  Reading sessions are held in Maltese and in English.