The MIRACLE project unfolds through a comprehensive set of activities designed to address and mitigate the impact of climate change. It encompasses the establishment of a robust Teacher Training Framework, focusing on equipping educators with the skills to navigate climate change through the co-creation of Augmented Reality (AR) Comics. Simultaneously, the project introduces an inclusive Digital Learning Environment, fostering a heightened awareness among pupils regarding environmental and climate change challenges.
The collaborative efforts of the project partners have delineated specific objectives, aligning with their shared needs and collective expertise. This project is financed by the Erasmus+ of the European Union.
The consortium of this project is made of: Paragon, Clever Books Ireland, University of Malta, MRC St. Paul’s Bay Primary Malta, Osnovna škola Tituša Brezovačkog Croatia, JAITEK Tecnología y Formación SL Portugal and Agrupamento de Escolas Terras do Ave Portugal.
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