EducationMinistry for Education and Employment

L-Istitut tal-Edukazzjoni jħabbar il-Prospett għas-sena 2020-2021

Il-Prospett tal-Istitut għall-Edukazzjoni huwa mimli b’korsijiet online għall-progress f’karrieri ta’ edukaturi kif ukoll kwalifiki għal taħriġ ġdid. Tista’ tara l-Prospett il-ġdid fuq:


The Institute for Education launches the new Prospectus for 2020-2021

The new Prospectus of the Institute of Education is packed with online courses that offer a range of opportunities for educators to progress in their careers as well as qualifications for new training.

You can view the new Prospectus on:

IfE - About Us

WE ARE ALL ABOUT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT!The Institute for Education promotes high quality education for all educators and more. The courses offered by the IFE are suitable for:✅ Educators that want to grow in their career✅ Aspiring teachers✅ Parents who want to know how to collaborate with teachers for the development of their children.Our courses applications will be launched online on Wednesday 20th May at 16.30.For more info. visit our website ➡️ then go to courses ➡️ then to qualifications section.#IfEMalta #IfEonline #Instituteforeducation

Posted by Institute for Education on Thursday, May 14, 2020